Who we are. What we do.
Why we do it.

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What we’re up to
The first U.S. DAC system designed for mass production
Our multi-megaton carbon removal project in Wyoming leading in a new era of large-scale DAC projects in the U.S.



Bison: our multi-megaton direct air capture project in Wyoming

Project Bison is an industrial development in Wyoming that will use direct air capture (DAC) machines to filter excess carbon dioxide from that air and permanently store it in geologic features underground. Since carbon dioxide is a greenhouse gas that mixes very quickly in the air, removing it in Wyoming helps the entire world address climate change.
Project status
  • 2024
    May 1

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  • 2024
    May 12

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  • 2024
    May 3

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Large scale carbon removal

Going big in cowboy country

Project Bison is leading a new era of large-scale atmospheric carbon removal projects.

Massively scalable deployment of direct air capture

Due to the modular architecture of our technology and the superior geology of Wyoming, Project Bison has no practical limits to scaling to megaton levels and beyond.

Class VI wells for DAC CO₂ storage

We expect that Project Bison will be one of the first DAC carbon removal project to use Class VI injection wells for permanent carbon dioxide storage in deep saline aquifers (pending regulatory approval).

One of the largest single DAC projects in the world

Project Bison starts small, but grows fast. It’s planned to roll-out in stages reaching megaton scale in the 2030s. At that point, we expect it will be one of the largest single atmospheric carbon removal project in the world.
“Community engagement is the beating heart of our project development work. We’re building a new DAC industry founded on transparency and dependability; one that fits within the culture and values of the communities we live and work in.”
Matt Bright
Director of External Affairs

Community engagement

Committed to Wyoming

We’re building a relationship with Wyoming that’s built on the following three pillars: transparency, dependability, and conservation.

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Our goal is to have open, clear, and prompt communications with the community. To that end, we want everyone in the state to understand how direct air capture (DAC) with permanent geological sequestration works—including why it's safe, secure, and permanent. We also want to fully communicate the economic opportunity related to building an atmospheric carbon removal industry together.

To achieve these goals, we have and will be holding town hall events where we’ll share, with full openness and transparency, what we're doing throughout the entire development and construction process. At these events, we’ll answer your questions and publish the answers for anyone that can't make it in person. 


We seek to be a valued partner and employer in the community for decades to come. To make sure we’re aligned with local values at every stage of our project, we’ve convened a community council that includes representatives from state and local government, local businesses, state and community organizations, local academic institutions, and NGOs.

Our goal is to build a new atmospheric carbon removal industry that not only addresses climate change, but fits with the culture of Wyoming, and provides the type of well-paying jobs that are in high demand.

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Our goal is to ensure the conservation of Wyoming’s wildlife and natural beauty while building a new atmospheric carbon removal industry. To do so, we’ve engaged with organizations that seek to protect wildlife and other precious environmental resources of the state. We welcome any feedback from the community as we build this new industry in a way that values economic growth, but not at the expense of Wyoming's natural treasures.

It's worth mentioning that one of our core values at CarbonCapture is “to preserve the environment for future generations by leveraging science, technology, and human innovation to decarbonize the atmosphere.” That ethos is reflected on how we care about our impact in Wyoming.

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Come meet us

Events in Wyoming

Residents of Sweetwater County are invited to join us for town hall events to learn more about Project Bison. Check back for the date or sign up below to be notified about this and future community events.
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Carbon credits from Bison

Capturing CO₂ from the atmosphere and then storing it underground. Permanently.

Project Bison generates carbon removal credits by capturing CO₂ from the atmosphere and permanently storing it underground. Project Bison uses CarbonCapture’s low-cost, modular direct air capture (DAC) systems to filter CO₂ out of the air. Frontier Carbon Solutions then gathers and injects that CO₂ into deep saline aquifers via Class VI injection wells, a regulatory designation established by the EPA and managed by the Wyoming Department of Environmental Quality. Once generated, Project Bison’s carbon removal credits are sold to organizations with net zero goals who seek to offset their unavoidable emissions.